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New episodes released every other Wednesday

Episode 19: Public Speaking Tips

Episode 19: Public Speaking Tips

As a follow up to the last episode on Permission to Speak by Samara Bay, Pam and Sarah discuss tips for public speaking and using your voice effectively.

Episode 18: Book Club – Permission to Speak by Samara Bay

Episode 18: Book Club – Permission to Speak by Samara Bay

In this episode, Pam and Sarah discuss the book ‘Permission to Speak: How to Change What Power Sounds Like Starting With You’ by Samara Bay.

They explore topics such as developing confidence in speaking, expanding the definition of public speaking, the influence of pitch and voice perception, accepting and appreciating your voice, managing emotion while speaking, the power dynamics of speaking up, connecting with your audience and message, challenging traditional male standards, and reframing apologizing.

Episode 17: End of Year Musings

Episode 17: End of Year Musings

In this episode rather than having one large topic to discuss, Pam and Sarah have a free flowing conversation about changes they’re working on making in the new year and advice for listeners. Also, Sarah shows her coaching ability by skillfully calling out when Pam’s need for control shows up repeatedly.

Episode 16: New Year Planning

Episode 16: New Year Planning

In this conversation, Pam and Sarah discuss the process of reflecting on the past year and planning for the new year. They introduce a workbook that helps individuals set intentions and create a vision for the upcoming year. The workbook encourages reflection on monthly highlights and analysis of lessons learned. It also guides individuals in setting intentions for different areas of their lives, such as work, home, health, and personal growth.